DVD now available!

Constructing The Universe:
A Journey From 1 to 12


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After 3 years of holding classes and workshops for adults in my Constructing The Universe Classroom
I've gathered the materials presented regarding the numbers 1 through 12
then organized and re-narrated them into a DVD nearly 4 hours long!

Here's the DVD case cover:

The front cover says this:
Learn to read the language of simple
numbers and shapes in nature,
science, technology and symbolism.

The back cover says this:
The Universe may be a mystery
but it’s not a secret!

Traditional philosophers since Pythagoras have taught that numbers and their shapes are at the heart of everything. Galileo pointed out that the universe is like a great book written in an alphabet of simple shapes like circles, triangles, squares and spirals. By noticing numbers and shapes and understanding their principles we gain insight into the patterns of nature as well as the symbols of religion, mythology and art.  And we only need to look at the mathematics of the numbers 1 through 12 to begin to appreciate the order and harmonious (including human) designs of this vast, beautifully embroidered Cosmos.

Michael Schneider narrates this four-hour philosophical journey across the landscapes of twelve numbers, shapes and principles of this universal alphabet. Abundantly illustrated with examples from mathematics, nature, art, science, technology, music, architecture, philosophy, religion, mythology and symbolism across cultures, we see how the same numbers, shapes, principles, patterns and proportions appear in widely different places for surprisingly similar reasons.

The twelve numbers naturally form four groups:
  First Principles: 1 & 2
  Numbers of Structure: 3, 4, 6, 8, 12
  Numbers of Life: 5 & 10
  Numbers of Mystery: 7, 9, 11

Whether this is new to you or you've been studying these ideas for a while, you'll find something interesting to ponder. Come let simple numbers and shapes help open your eyes to the wonder of the ordinary!

This DVD wasn’t made directly for youngsters but for adults who might enjoy seeing a philosophical approach to numbers, culture and the universe.
It's a modern take on traditional mathematical cosmology weaving numbers, shapes, proportions, nature, art, mythology and symbolism into a whole united by mathematics.

I think it would be a bit much for most youngsters, although there are some sections they might enjoy seeing.
Perhaps high schoolers with an interest in math and these ideas might appreciate it.

There's alot packed into these four hours. I recommend you watch your favorite numbers unfold slowly, in whatever size bite is digestible to you.
Watch only one or two numbers at a time, or just parts of one number. A lot emerges from simplicity.

Here's the DVD's navigation menu:

This DVD is the perfect companion for Constructing The Universe Activity Books Volumes 1, 2 and 6


Click Here to Purchase the DVD and Activity Books

Here are some screen captures from the DVD
(from numbers 1 - 5)
to give you an idea of some of its topics
















You might also enjoy the DVD Fibonacci Garden: Mathematics in the Plant World

Click on the disc for more information


Click Here to Purchase the DVDs and Activity Books



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Text & Images © Michael S. Schneider 2014